HoneyBee is a Duo of Twin Musicians, Deby Benton Grosjean, and Pamela Benton.
Classically trained on violin and piano, both are singer / songwriters, twin fiddlers plus, Pamela adds guitar to their performances. Individually, they each have recorded CD's of their own available on "CD Baby", and other internet music sites / stores. Deby and Pamela have played a lifetime of musical experiences exploring many music genres. In their Duo HoneyBee, they fuse these genres to create an original sound. Since childhood, music has been central in their lives and enjoyed singing and playing several instruments together. For three consecutive years as youths, Deby and Pamela received top awards in MTAC ensemble competitions, both first place, and command performance. Also as youths they sang in choir and performed in the California Youth Symphony and San Jose Light Opera.
HoneyBee is a combination of their names, Born on Christmas Day, only minutes apart, the nurses wanted their parents to name the twins "Carol and Noel"; instead they were named "Deby" meaning "Bee", and "Pamela" meaning "Honey"... Together, they are currently working on two recording projects. They have published a music book, "Fun Celtic Music Series" with a companion CD. The twins are currently working on their next volume.
HoneyBee performs for intimate concerts, and larger festivals, melding folk with rock, in songs and instrumental..
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HoneyBee (pdf)
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!2/7 Panida Theatre 3PM Sandpoint, Idaho
12/8 Jacklin Arts 3PM Post Falls Idaho
Admission $15 (advance) $18 (door)
For More Info Contact
panida.org / jacklinarts.org